Grafting Plants

Pereskiopsis Propogation: Where to cut?

Hey guys! Complete newbie here with a quick question on where to cut my Pereskiopsis. As you can see, I've already taken a cutting from this plant, which shot up two new stems. One stem outgrew the other quite significantly, and is likely ready to be chopped and replanted.

My question is, where do I make the cut? Should I consider just removing "A"? I'm considering chopping at "D" and sacrificing the little stem to the Cacti God's.

I thought I'd ask the pros before doing anything irreversible.


by hotterthanahandjob


  1. thirtyfivedollarbill

    Make two cuts
    A and D then root both of them
    Sometimes I just cut 1 inch sections and lay them horizontally and barely cover with soil and they do fine

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