Plant Clinic

Hydroponic umbrella tree keeps losing leaves

Hello, I have an hydroponic umbrella tree the lost a lot of leaves. At the beginning I thought it was a problem of watering, since I was out for a while and the pot dried out. However, several weeks have passed and the tree keeps losing leaves. I've noticed insects on the leaves, but I am not sure what they are exaclty.
Also I see the trunk has strange lesions
Anyone can suggest a remedy? Thanks!

Watering: hydroponic pot with an indicator of water level. I Refill once the indicator reaches the bottom

Light: next to a big window; south west exposure but not direct sunlight

by cavallotkd


  1. april8-2020

    I think I have the same issue on a different plant… Came here to see if I could get some help

  2. Wondering_wisher

    They’re thrips! Shower the whole plant and then bug spray!

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