Plant Clinic

Alocacia struggling

Hey all first time posting, I've got this alocacia ( this and two others are my first time actually keeping houseplants alive for more than a year) that seems to be struggling. I've moved it around a few times to mess around with light angle, added some organic all purpose plant fertilizer according to instructions and even added a little more potting soil when I repotted a different plant of mine.

Every time I think it's a dud though, I prune the old dead leaf and a new one sprouts up. I really don't wanna give up on this plant seeing as house tenacious it's been. So I'm seeking help from y'all bc the Internet did not provide much that I could understand. Recently I will say it's got this small white patch of mold around where the plant fertilizer was that I included pics of. I removed it and threw it out.

Please help

I water once a week about 2 liters of water (maybe that's too much) and it has a drainage reservoir

by NightBrewess


  1. winterblueberries

    likely being overwatered. change the soils and let it completely dry out for like two weeks or so, also spray the soil with a hydrogen peroxide and water mix to get the mold away.

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