Gardening UK

1 year garden transformation

I can't quite believe I've been in a year already but I've spent a lot of that time in the garden. I still have lots to do particularly at the back of the garden. I took the two sycamores down (still need to get the trunks out) as they took 70% of the sunlight as can be seen in the first picture and are way too large for this sized garden. The remaining apple tree is much healthier already and I will replace the two trunks with an appropriate sized tree once the trunks are down and a new back fence installed.

The grass has taken a hit because it's had slabs, pots, building bags on at various times but should bounce back although I plan to make the central border larger already.

I can't believe how much wildlife has come into the garden and there's a constant low hum from the bees when it's not raining…

This is my first garden so im learning as I go.

by Ok-Landscape3067

1 Comment

  1. Serendipnick

    Absolutely gorgeous, and your salvia is to die for!

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