
Help this beautiful creature out

So, I took the first two pictures of this alocasia frydek because I think I want to separate out the baby (second pic) because it seems a bit sad, but I have NO idea what I'm doing. People on this sub talk about leca, Pon, etc. what should I be looking for to put a mature and a semi mature plant into? The third pic is what it's currently in, if that helps. It was bought in May and I've never repotted it.

Then there are pictures of the fertilizer I have. The fourth pic is a liquid that I use at the recommended dilution every time I water it. The fifth pic is tablets that go in the soil. I have no put any in the soil for this plant, should I? Please note I am in NZ, so any specific brands of fertilizer, potting mix, etc are unlikely to be available to me

Then, after I took those pictures, it got knocked off the table which is what the remaining pictures are. You can see it looks way more droopy, one of the stems has creased but hasn't broken. I staked it up so it wasn't supporting so much weight. Is that ok? Is there anything I need to look out for?

Sorry for all the questions, thanks in advance for any help. I just want this lovely plant to be able to live its best life

by blerghHerder

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