
Moving in 2 weeks with over 150 plants :’)

I aquired over 150 plants since March this year (I know, a bit crazy) but they bring me so much joy. At first I didn't believe in myself to take care of them and keep them alive and of course there are some strugglers (killed 3 string of pearls now, some calatheas that have a never ending spree of spidermites and I got a Monstera Deliciosa Albo with root rot which I couldn't save and it was 85€) but after all, I'm glad to have them all because they saved me from a very sad time in my life. Much love to you all!

by Evlchen


  1. Been there …. I can’t even say how many trips it took to get them all here. My fiddle leaf needed movers 🤣! Anyway, welcome to plants as therapy.

  2. KarinSpaink

    Best of luck with moving, and yes – the joy that taking care of plants can bring is quite something.

  3. Fit-Minute-5325

    Beautiful collection!! Good luck with the move ✌🏼

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