
Help/advice on a little guy failing to thrive

We got this little fellow in October of last year, so we’ve had it almost a year and it’s been doing ok until recently. We bought it on a whim and the general instructions were “take him out of his shell and spritz him once per week.” He lives on a shelf that gets moderate indirect sunlight.

In the last month the tips are drying up and he’s looking generally sad and withered (as I told my wife, “Like E.T. after the government got him.”

Any thoughts or advice? Obviously we don’t know what the hell we are doing, so I thought I would ask the experts.

by RichCorinthian


  1. ObsidianGanthet

    could you give him a multi-hour soak, just to see if he perks up a bit? i’d recommend soaking for 3-5 hours and then letting him dry out in a ventilated area

    then if that works, moving forward it would be good to either (a) mist more often, eg 2/3 times per week, OR (b) soak once a week for like an hour instead of misting

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