
Something wrong with tomato plants

Leaves are very deformed and growth is slow. What wrong? I fertilise once a week as the tomato feed I use suggests but incase that was the problem, I googled what over fertilising will do to a tomato plant and the results didn’t match. I also looked up over and under watering but still no match. I wouldn’t think it’s a nutrient deficiency since I use tomato feed but I don’t know very much, it’s my first time growing tomato plants. I’ll give as much info as I can think of. It’s England and there has only been about 2 weeks of sun this summer and that’s it, a lot of rain and wind. I cut off the lower few sets of leaves as blogs said too much foliage can be a waste of energy. I grew from seed but just from tomato’s bought in a regular supermarket. All the plants have flowers, some have small tomato’s growing. I know it’s pretty late for that but like I said it’s my first time and I’m just trying to figure out what to do and what not to do for next time. Oh yeah, and the plants are in pots 30cm in diameter. Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated! Even if you’re telling me that these plants are lost causes, knowing what I’ve done wrong and what better to do next year will be more than enough. Thank you. (Just thought of this, when they were younger, first few weeks, they were pretty nutrient deficient (yellow leaves and purple veins) but as I started to fertilise those symptoms both disappeared)

by Standard-Scratch-348

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