Native Plant Gardening

I’m hoping you all can help me finish transforming my property.

Hi everyone,

We're in the process of transforming our typical Zone 5b, half-acre lawn into a more sustainable and regionally inspired walking path and garden area. Last year we made some progress, and I'd love to get your thoughts on where we can go from here.

I've uploaded four pictures—two from last year and two from this year—to show the evolution of our project. We're already growing a large garden and keeping chickens. The meat birds are moved daily in the large middle section but aren't pictured.

For the walking path, we've been using micro-clovers, which I love, but they’re quite expensive. I'm considering switching to regular clover to make it more cost-effective. However, I'm at a bit of a crossroads on how to approach the areas off the path. Ideally, I want to incorporate more local and native plants, creating a natural, thriving environment that supports local wildlife and reduces our water usage.

Last year I planted these in the areas off the walking path and where the meat birds are kept Unfortunately, nothing but the junk grass came back this year.

PS – Imgur sucks and wants my phone number to create an album so had to just upload them here.
The last 2 are this year.

We appreciate any advice or inspiration you can provide! Thanks in advance for your help.

by ArcherStirling


  1. kerfluffles_b

    What area of the country are you in? Zones are somewhat less important for natives than actual areas/ecoregions.

  2. AllemandeLeft

    I have no advice, I just want to say I love the geometry of it and it sounds great.

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