
Need help to make her grow ✨

Hello 🌱🪴 So, I have this small monstera that I would love to see flourish. For context, she was in water for months with 2 leaves, when I repotted her, she was in a very bad shape, nearly dying. After repotting the bigger leaf eventually died but the smaller one got greener, however it’s been weeks and she doesn’t grow anymore. I trimmed some roots, because they were entangled about 10 days ago.

I’m very new to looking after monsteras on my own. + I now live in a country with much harsher climate than I used to so my knowledge of plants is even more insufficient here 😅

Please, don’t judge, I really try to make her happy and would appreciate any tips!

by angryfatbitch


  1. blanketsandplants

    I would say a chunkier mix would help – mix with bark and perlite to help aerate the roots. While stressed only pot to the size of the root ball (no bigger) – once growing can size up by an inch.
    Water thoroughly when dried out.

    It may take awhile for new growth to come in – my happiest has a new leaf every 2 weeks in summer but now days are getting gloomier it’s more like 1 a month max.

  2. No judgment but is there a growth point on the cutting? At that angle it’s very hard to tell but if there’s not then you may just have a zombie leaf.

    Only asking because from this view it doesn’t seem to have what it needs to grow more leaves

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