Japanese Garden

San Jose’s beloved Japanese Garden has empty Koi ponds

The Japanese Friendship Garden in San Jose is lush and serene…but the Koi ponds are empty. https://abc7ne.ws/3wOVnCs

#japanesekoi #koi #sanjose #JapaneseFriendshipGarden #abc7news


  1. "The cost for repairs has been slow."
    Did the contractor doing the estimate lose his calculator, and he is adding on his fingers?
    Are the pumps under a mile of debris, so it takes months to dig out a section and see how much repairs will be on that section?
    The cost is not usually slow. Findibg the funds to cover the cost can be slow.

  2. Making a supersized pet goldfish refugee pond would be very helpful. Maybe they could get an environmental grant to fix the pump, as releasing beloved goldfish into the wild can be harmful to the ecosystem. Covid school project fish are getting huge and have no place to go.

  3. I have a huge white heron/egret that scoops of fishies from my pond. It's called nature.

  4. How is it that a journalist wrote this story, proofread the story, and her editor/producer approved it, resulting in her having just said, “The cost for repairs has been slow.” What does that mean? How do those words fit together? How are costs ever “slow”? Sorry, but hearing this extraordinarily lazy work makes me crazy. It makes me wonder if anyone at the station can actually read and write coherently.

  5. All those billionaires and their companies yet things are dirty, run down, broken, and neglected. smh

  6. 加州サンホセ氏の日本庭園のかつては300匹もいた鯉が盗み続けられて今は1匹もいないとか。

  7. The city budget is being used more and more to appease the mindsets of a few, and so the beautiful heritage of the city is going unfounded.

  8. Just read that Californians stealing fire hydrants too to sell scrap metal. Wow, everything is fair game in Cali. Keep up the terrific work Gascon, Pamela Price, Newsome

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