
Big Oak questions

I have a big live oak in front of my house. I’d love to hear some thoughts on the general health, and well as specifically what to do with the ferns and leaf debris around it.

The roof was just cleaned, so there is a bunch of extra leaf debris on top of the ferns around the base. I love the ferns, but I have no idea if they are good for the tree. Also, I default to mulching leaves in place, but is this much debris bad for the roots?

Also, there is an old lightning scar with woodpecker activity. Any concerns about that part of the tree?

Final question: are a few shallow nails and screws any problem for the tree? Like ten or less, maybe going half an inch or an inch into the bark.

For reference it is 18’9” at the height (4’8”) that it splits into three separate trunks.

by OvalDead

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