Garden Plans

What Was Garden City Urban Planning? – Altengrad 98

Talking about Garden Cities and how they influenced city planning in Central Europe and how their legacy is still very influential.

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Altengrad is a time-progression series where I build a Central European city, located until 1989 in the Eastern Bloc, taking inspiration from Germany, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary. The series starts around the year 1920 and slowly advances forward in time, which means the city will naturally evolve all the way to modern times. The city is not a recreation of any one real-life city or country, but it takes inspiration from them.

PC specs are in the channel’s About page. No, the game doesn’t run like this in real time. Cinematics are recorded slow and made faster in editing.

Pictures used:
(thumbnail) Wekerletelep, Budapest – légi fotó by Civertan / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(1) Welcome to Letchworth by Peter O’Connor / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-2.0,
(2) 217 Icknield Way, Letchworth by Richard Kelly / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(3) Villa Haus Holstein Berlin Lichterfelde West Kommandantenstraße by Bebeberlin / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(4) Lichterfelde Willdenowstraße by Fridolin freudenfett / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0,
(5) Drohnenfoto Frohnau by Kommax5x / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(6) Berlin – S-Bahnhof Frohnau by Ingolf / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-2.0,
(7) Willa Borówka w Milanówku by Ewa Dryjanska / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0,
(8) Willa ZOSINEK by Andrzej Błaszczak / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(9) Kós Károly Square, Wekerle estate by József Rozsnyai / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(10) Lakóház (1266. számú műemlék) by toldym / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-2.5-hu,
(11) Berlin Hufeisensiedlung UAV by A.Savin / Wikipedia
(12) Hufeisensiedlung Britz by Clemensfranz / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(13) Wroclaw Sepolno view 2022 by Fallaner / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(14) Wroclaw Sepolno view 2016 by Pnapora / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0,
(15) Sepolno Zimpel Kirche by Thomas Kaffenberger / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0-pl,



  1. Your videos are always great! Where can I find pre war photos of Prague? Greetings from Poland 🙂

  2. Idk why people complain about no building. I like these sorts of lessons, and it's what the series has been about for a while if you ask me.

  3. I saw some push back on the no new building, but I really love the story telling & context you give. From Australia, we have had a completely different history to Central Europe and I love learning about the history of Central Europe. Altengrad is my favourite series because of the story, I’m not here because of the building, like from WW2 and on was the better half of this series, because of the history.

  4. I know a lot of comments are complaining about the lack of building. I understand sure, personally I really like the history, i like the historical examples. I love when you try and marry the concepts with the game, but in this series the time lines moved too far forward. It would be strange to jump back.

    Maybe once Altengrad is over [Modern Day, Near future], you could make a sort of spin-off series picking up these older theories of urban planning.

  5. another day another akuras video drop, and another banger
    I love the informative videos along with the city growth videos

  6. How about adding some sprawl neighbourhoods in Altengrad, and explain the term next? Not sure if it fits your narrative, but it's a suggestion 😊

  7. This channel is so valuable. Please just continue doing what feels most interesting to you. These nerdy videos that just analyse history make this channel special. <3

  8. 00:04 Garden cities were a influential urban planning principle in the 20th century.
    02:24 Garden City urban planning focused on minimizing commute, preventing garden dormitory, and promoting self-sufficiency.
    04:42 Garden cities had varying interpretations and implementations in different locations.
    06:57 Garden Cities inspired unique low-density urban planning.
    09:14 Evolution of urban planning from Garden City to modernist ideas
    11:33 Garden cities evolved into uniform layout apartment blocks in Central Europe.
    13:54 The Garden City concept faced challenges and transformations over time.
    16:09 Suburbanization trends have not changed much since 1920s.

  9. Thanks for the vid!
    It really lets me appreciate my rented 100-year-old flat in Frankfurt am Main a bit more, its an old district built in the 30s during its socialist "Neues Frankfurt" programm. Fascinating to see how well it still compares to newer flats, esp. other cheap (social) housing. And its the original of modern kitchens as well!

  10. Fun fact: In hungarian "garden city" is also directly translated to "kertváros".
    Since it was the earliest term for such areas, it is also – at least colloquially- used for every kind of low-density residential area that is not a village, even for those that do have separate terms in even hungarian; like "külváros" (lit. outer city) for suburbs/edge cities, "előváros" (lit. pre-city) for exurbs/commuter towns.

    I wonder if it is also the same in czech, slovak and polish?

  11. I found the garden city of Sadyba in Warsaw worthmentioning as an old fortess was included in the project, and it shows clearly how the urbanisation concept was changed drastically as it's not fitting very well to the nereby prefab district.

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