Plant Propagation

Propagate This Princess Plant or No!!

Okay I know something needs to be done to improve the overall health of this plant for longevity but I don't exactly know what. I've had her for a year now and she definitely should be bigger I believe.

There's that curve that makes the plant lean so I had to add extra support and toh I still thinks more is needed, like a moss pole or sum.? Tho I was thinking about propagating. I put an example in one of the photos where l'd cut and obviously keep everything I cut but instead of a pot id propagate in water. I don't wanna cut her if I shouldn't or don't need to. The risk is definitely not worth the reward if I can improve quality of life for my beautiful baby here!!
I've already found a sunnier spot with indirect light, and she was doing better when supported by my grow light. So I put it in the new spot, so more pink can come in.

She's a good strong plant, I just want to know the best way to care for her. Will propagating increase the leaf size and closeness so they aren't so spread out. The leats come one after another but only one. Help me!!!!!

by Myinnerworld-


  1. Skittlesmyluv

    You could try just repotting it in something bigger and give it a moss pole to climb?

  2. acomplished_crab

    Also If you don’t fertalize: start fertalizing instead of Putting her in a bigger Pot. Sometimes plants are just starved of nutrients and Put Out less growth because of that

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