Plant Propagation

Tell me like I’m 5 please

I got these from my work. Can I cut off the ends and wait 5 billion years to water propagate the bottoms and soil propagate the tops?

by Maliceliddell


  1. Maliceliddell

    Also, please forgive my messy counter. I’m working from home today, watching my toddler, and cleaning up. It’s a work in progress.

  2. AshLynx_promo

    tbh.. id just plop them in dirt and wait.. a very long time. water very rarely. only when you know its totally dry, then probably wait a few more days

  3. TurdEyeSamurai

    I mean, you said it best, chop and wait. Some may turn to mush. Screw it, chop it again. If the water mucks up, change it all or most of it at least. Remember the older they get the more saddening they are to lose. Dont forget to try and learn and listen they’ll tell you wassup

  4. beardsauce

    So I just pruned with a bunch of similar material from my snake plant and have had success with 2 different methods.

    Most important rule, remember water is meant to go up the plant. Roots grow from the bottom of the cutting, so if you chop it up into pieces, remember that the side that was facing down in the dirt is the only side that will grow roots. Muy importante.

    I chose to cut all of it into 5″ pieces. I also trimmed the triangle into the bottom immediately so I didn’t lose which side when in dirt. I stuck the wide beautiful leaves into succulent soil about 2″ deep and water about once ever two weeks. They sit outside so it stays dry.

    I took the really thin stems that were left and literally just decided to throw them in a vase with water sitting outside, instead of throwing them out. Over half of those stems now have very small roots. The ones in dirt have done much better at rooting though.

    Remember it’s a succulent. Neglect the fuck out of watering it, and make sure it’s got some proper light. Also, new root growth loves warmth, so put them by a window.

    Feel free to reach out if you need further clarification.

  5. Atjones0209

    I took a few and chopped them into a bunch of 2-3 inch pieces. Let each piece become calloused and then placed in water. All but one grew roots after a few months.

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