Plant Propagation

Rescued monstera Albo. Bringing back from the brink. ER advice needed (all deets written up inside)

I had the opportunity to "rescue" an abandoned monstera Albo from someone who is out of the country for the next few months.

The hope was that I could salvage the whole plant, but I talked the owner into propagation instead.

The plant's extremities were in disasterous shape; dead leaves, shriveled aerial roots. The root system was surprisingly healthy though, so I chopped three main nodes and left the bottom of the main trunk to rise from the ashes in its pot.

Here are pics of what I chopped, numbered for clarity. Advice welcome, I've never propped anything this bad.


1. The leaves are all pretty gone. Should I trim them off? Or is the tiny bit of green worth leaving for photosynthesis help?

2. They're under a 12 hour seedling grow light, but without healthy leaves is there any point to? Is there harm? I've never propagated monsteras w/o leaves… 🙁

3. I'm concerned about #2. Will the black/rot hold the roots back? Should I cut it down to the black?

4. I cut and dipped in Clonex rooting gel before going to water. If the leaves go, is there anything else to keep in mind?

by whatifitoldyouimback

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