Lawn Porn

What type of snake is this and is it dangerous?

Newbie to lawn care, and I know nothing about snakes. Found this snake while mowing my lawn today, wasn’t sure if it was the dangerous type or not, but was concerned about the safety of my 3 year old child that usually plays on that lawn; so I killed it. What type of snake is this? Is it dangerous? How can I keep such snakes away from my property asides using snake away which I already do use sometimes.

by painxpurpose


  1. LegendOfTheKraken

    This is terrible to see, never kill anything thats not imposing harm to you. This is a black racer which is not venomous and they actually tend to keep the bad snakes away. So now you killing it your essentially taking the guard of your lawn and now letting venomous snakes come in with no competition. I understand you did this for your child and it is what it is but keep these guys around there called a black racer because theyre actually very scared and will race away hence the name.

  2. LegendOfTheKraken

    Side note: turn up your irrigation cause that grass is drought damageddd

  3. Puzzleheaded_Exam989

    First cut your grass a lot lower so there are fewer spots to hide, also if you have anything like sheet metal or stacks of bricks remove them as they hide under that as well.

  4. Bill_buttlicker69

    What in the hell is wrong with you?

  5. RicoSour

    I thought this sub was about lawns not murdering animals.

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