Garden Plans

Sir Keir Starmer supports measures to ban smoking in pub gardens and other outdoor areas

Sir Keir Starmer has confirmed to Channel 4 News as part of a wider interview today that he is supporting measures to ban smoking in pub gardens and other outdoor areas and will set out the details in due course.

Watch the full interview tonight at 7pm on Channel 4 News.



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  1. What is going to replace all the tax gained by government by smokers when they all give up, who and what will they go after next smokers and Pensionerstoday….you and your right to choose how you live your life tomorrow

  2. Ban vaping too then because that big cloud of vapour makes me and my husband cough our guts up….a few years from now a study will come out on how bad that is for your lungs!!

  3. I'm trying to give up smoking, but I wouldn't deny people small pleasures or send the hospitality industry further down the toilet. Why can't pubs have their own policies on this? And why did the NHS only give me smoking cessation gum for 3 months if it's costing so much to them and the taxpayer? And what are the alternatives to vaping on offer? I think there should be mass disobedience on this one, though the ploddies led by idiots DO actually seem to care about public order more than serious crimes from violence, to sophisticated gang activities, to corruption to murder.

  4. Why is he not going after the gang ra#@sts and gangs of people going round stabbing people and robbing people rather than the public being told there isn't enough space in prisons because of all the people been locked up for commenting their opinions online?

  5. A few important qualifications. In scapegoating smokers, it is unlikely that smoking can go the way of Heroine, not least because….well, anyway. Sir Kier is perhaps SHREWDLY reading the country and offering a target which he knows will not suffer the harm of real public disorder FOR WELL JUDGED FEAR OF WORSE. Recall the language following the recent rioting where instead of empathetic royal visits to the areas, it sounded in retrospect as if a rebellion had been pout down. I doubt he's thinking it out in those terms. Without there being any subconscious, I nonetheless want to bring in the Darwinian, natural selective argument here; The society that exists and is as we are IS A SOCIETY HAVING THE CAPACITY to develop and maintain balancing scapegoat functions. Scapegoat functions are elaborate objects designed and understood by nobody. I didn't plan my kidneys. Here it is.

    I just listened to the news – this is eight O'Clock ona Sunday morning – and he's serious. Not just words. Smoking will be banned in open air public places 'to protect the NHS'.

    Further qualifications: Statistics can be got up to support or demolish almostt anythging. Statistics are valuable and there is objective truth out there, but there will be room here to construe conflicting conclusions. This means that Sir Kier may truly have information conflicting with my own mere 'impressions'. However, I'm not the only one. I'm noit the only one that will have my idfeas wrt the undersatnding thaty a smoking ban will protect the NHS. I would alos like to broaden that out to wider issues of funding, of social care and pensions. How has developing medical care extended teh potential teratment of smoking related illness, which, by my twisted interperatioon, INCERASES the life AND SUFFERING of all. Why does Sir Kier not have to defend his position from beleifs such as my own? He is certainly playing dangerously with confirmation bias. But no jourtnalism which is coming toi my attention is raising objections either!

  6. So, if treatments available tfor Smoking related illnbesses have radicallyt changed the situation such that my impre4sions are out of date that brings this slap bang into issues of dependent addiction not to fags but to scientific healthcare itself. I'm challenged here because I really do suspect that Sit Kier has confliucting information to my own but that my inter[prattion is still better. I'm not the only one who has my ideas. There's a reason why I think as I do. I didn't invent it. Why doesn't he have to deal with us?

    This wasn't the only thing I heard in the news. Aswell as the ban on smoking in public places, the soprt list of governement prioties, the soundbite includes NET ZERO.

    Ant attempt at a truly global understanding of control combined with a HUMBLE respect for individual and collective human nature, its capabilities and its limits, leads to a probabalistic conclusion that CC actions is restricted to severe harm.

    Actions are falsely attributed to CC which belong to control. As such it is possible that CC actions DOES NOT EXIST but in proportion to its true existence in actions CC is a SEVERELY harmful religious movement Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

    Deescalation pathways exist and they are outside of predictionand proof, but, unlike earlier cults CC is a cult within TESTABLE religion. Its basal set of facts and ideas are TRUE FACTS AND IDEAS which will not change, so CC plays with r4eal harm not just isnide culture but to the entire phgsical environement and tehre will be no all clear. CC is a doomsday or MILL:ENARIAN cult containing a sin, a Millennium( see arguments ) and an end times or doomsday all dependent infal;bly on th4e accumulated and accumularting OF THAT SIN. Being testable, the quicksand or positive feedback loops leading towards the doomsday which the cult claims to intend to hold off or moderate, are thgeioretically prersent and potentially domint elements in a real, not just a cultural porgression. CC, if it exists in actions, forces all society to release poison gas with vastly destructive consequences, provabl;y segrated away from doing anything but harm,. It is potentially domianted by positive feedback loops, quicksand. It is, as was aum shinrikyu, motrvated by faith that it does good.

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