Grafting Plants

I think I originally got this idea from here, but just in case anyone is struggling with small seedlings on Pereskiopsis

You can use one half of a pill capsule. You can order a huge bag of these or even better empty out a vitamin capsule. It makes lining up the seedling and keeping it there very easy, also spreads out the downward pressure you put on the seedling (I use a roll of gauze).

by DownTheHall


  1. BodybuilderOk6218

    This is awesome! Really great idea, seems like enough pressure but not going to rot like saran wrap. Thanks for sharing, going to give it a go!!

  2. Post-Squid

    This is awesome! Never seen it before. I imagine certain gel caps may get stuck to the seedling and folks inadvertently degrafting while trying to remove the cap!

  3. Hun_The_One

    Looks like a great idea. Let us know the results it produces for you.

  4. JazzGuitarMuse

    I’ve done this too! But I take the small part of the capsule, and superglue it to the other side of the large piece, and then place a weight in it, like a small rock or something….

    Of course like the original poster said, this is not my idea…saw it in a post.

    But it works great, and I have never had the capsule stick to the scion.

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