Plant Propagation

How to get these babies out of the pot?

Do I gently dig them out? Take the whole plant out and separate them? Wait until they're bigger?

by littlebarque


  1. Uschisewpie

    They are large enough to separate with leaves already. You can sprout a leafless corm. I think it is best to take the whole plant out of the pot and separate them that way. Keep an eye out for unsprouted corms and grab those while you are repotting. The sprouted corms can go directly into their own pot. Some use spag moss or perlite to sprout the leafless ones.

    Some leave the corms in the pot and let them grow for a fuller looking plant.

  2. Smoked_Vegetables

    I do a repot, pull off babies and look around the roots for corms to sprout.

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