
Hey all, is this an elm? My phones saying it is but I’m unsure.

I’ve been here 9 years and there was a tree next to this that was taken down. We’ve had a bunch of fires near and around this but I’ve had a massive stump next to it that I’ve kinda left alone as it’s in my field. This guys been growing and I’m wondering if it’s an elm. Should I leave it or will it not grow well? I want to leave it and let it do its thing . Just looking for some opinions.


by Wonkasgoldenticket


  1. SimpleToTrust

    No. Elm leaves feel like sandpaper and have an uneven base near the petroleum (leaf stem). I’d leaf it be if I were you. What app do you use?

  2. Wonkasgoldenticket

    Sorry all, I know this is not an elm. I meant ash! Possibly a green ash.

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