Gardening Australia

Help, what’s happening to my Banksia?

Hi guys, I've recently acquired this beautiful yellow Banksia (integrifolia) from our local nursery but no matter what I do his soil keeps getting bone dry. Am I overwatering? Can he be saved? I did the finger test & he's dry all the way through:( We're in western sydney and about to transplant him to a bigger pot.
Thanks guys!

by Meezergal


  1. spatialgames

    That potting mix is spent and has become hydrophobic. Repot with some fresh native potting mix and fertiliser

  2. unnecessaryaussie83

    Way too small pot (best in the ground)

  3. moonshadowfax

    He needs a far bigger pot, quality soil and sugar cane mulch.

  4. Physical-Job46

    Yeah WAY bigger pot… or, you know, the ground!!

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