Front Yard Garden

This Home owner in MILITARY had to SERVE his COUNTRY, so I took care of his OVERGROWN yard #shorts

This Home owner in MILITARY had to SERVE his COUNTRY, so I took care of his OVERGROWN yard for FREE #shorts #mrcris


  1. Shame you don't add the videos link in it's description so it's clickable. Everyone else does it. No, some devices don't allow copying text in a comment.

  2. thans you Cris you te best te famey te House te helpen best fried Top 🚛🪤🚜🌾🌿🎧✌️🧋🌤😎

  3. Now this is what I call being thankful to our veterans.
    Words are fine, but if you can, go beyond words with action.

  4. Bless you for all your doing for folks in any given situation whether they’re in the military or not. Thank you so..forever.

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