Gardening Austin

What is this plant?

I originally thought it was horse herb because it has yellow flowers, but it's woody, hard (right pic), and I've since identified the real horse herb in my yard (left). What is it and is it native?

by Asura_b


  1. Stonkyard

    I believe the plant in the right-hand photo is three-lobed false mallow

  2. “Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke (family Malvaceae), commonly known as false mallow, broom weed, and clock plant. Various parts of this plant are used by numerous tribal populations throughout the world. Mexican Kickapoo Indians use the crushed leaves of this herb along with salt or alcohol to cure ringworm infection.[1] Bhil tribes of Rajasthan use this plant in the form of decoction to cure jaundice.[2] In Mexico leaf infusion of this plant is used to cure diabetes.[3] In traditional Indian system of medicine the plant is reported as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antidysenteric.” -ncbi.nlm

    I guess I’ll keep a small patch in case I get ringworm from gardening without gloves.

    Thank y’all for identifying it for me!

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