Grafting Plants

Did I fail my graft?

Why is he bruised?

by mushroommeatloaf


  1. It is probably bruised because you stuck needles through it. No need for needles.

  2. Amaru727

    i’ve never seen this type of graft does it really work?

  3. That won’t work. Do you have any Thanksgiving cactus/Truncata? Those are easy to graft Schlumbergera lutea to. You would only need one clade, and the stickiness of the cactus piece should be able to hold it in place. Personally I keep these on their roots because they are easier than people think, they just love water.

  4. mikelusk7

    Likely will fail and rot due to all the puncture wounds. Each puncture is another point for infection unless kept completely sterile.

  5. No-Razzmatazz-666

    Failed, ime stabbing to hold a scion never works. At least never for me. Your better off cutting small holes in the stock and sharpening the Scion to stick in the hole.(Have had success like that multiple tries)

  6. [deleted]

    Omg for this way of torture to a defenseless being you’re condemned to LIFE IN PRISON!!

  7. bristleboar

    Did you try mashing them together with a mallet too?

  8. Boogedyinjax

    If it is possible to graft the two together you may want to try taping a splint to the dragon fruit that protrudes several inches to support the weight of the scion. Use paper tape down the side of the scion and push it tightly against the dragon fruit and secure with tape. Here is a seedling 🌱 I grafted in the same manner. I taped the leaf to the side of the cactus

  9. Archer2956

    In short yes. Please search for impale grafts on you tube and stay well away from anyone who uses pins or anything other than tape or film …..and stay sterile always

  10. Looks great, mate! May want to try nails next time for better hold

  11. Ok-Bake-9626

    Thought you pinned a grasshopper to a cactus for a min!

  12. FlayeFlare

    everyone saying “make it fast, keep it clean. cleaner cuts the better” and hear we are pinching needles everywhere… try split graft nex time, and don’t you dare piercing your grafts

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