Gardening UK

Wild (flower) gardening

There’s a very small park near me that’s pretty neglected. It’s quite a busy small area with a few trees and grass that gets mown by the council, a path, a bench that collects teenagers and addicts so lots of broken bottles, and there’s some land that isn’t planted but has a few weeds on it. I wander up there with the dog most days and I’d like to try getting a few more wild flowers into it. I’m not prepared to spend much time and money on it but I’d be happy with a couple of hours a month. Access to the non-mown area’s a bit limited because I’m told there are needles and I’m not willing to deal with them, although I did and will sweep the path and clear the glass and cigarette ends. I’d be very grateful if anyone can suggest ideas. I’d love to see more birds and insects round there.

by GrandAsOwt

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