Front Yard Garden

Gorgeous Plants You Need to Add to Your Garden

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⏰ Wednesdays-Saturdays 9am-3pm through mid-December

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. Good evening everyone. I am on the other side of the world and it's 10:30pm on Monday evening. Hope you all have a great day. Jeanette, New Zealand.

  2. Good morning, Jenny☕️ I love those mini Hosta! They are so cute but, oh so expensive. Definitely need some, though! Have a Blessed Day😊🐶

  3. Everything looks so gorgeous!! Watching this with morning ☕ is fun but shopping at Creekside would be even better 😊 Your nursery is SO amazing…we have nothing like this in our area 😞

  4. Love the ferns, just gorgeous. Also love the new viburnum & hosta's. Love the tour & all the new plants.

  5. Hey, Jenny and Jerry, happy Monday! No, you do not want Armadillos, they are so destructive. We have them here in the lower midlands of South Carolina and they can destroy your lawn overnight! My poor husband has spent many nights fighting them out and the day repairing the grass! I love ❤️ love those gorgeous ferns! My shade garden now is filled with Hardy Banana Trees (prolific in spreading) and Cannas, also spreading and Amaryllis, it’s amazing how fast they reproduce! ❤

  6. Hi Jenny, my PW winter berry’s are 6 feet tall. I’ve had them for 7 years. Can I cut them down to 4 ft? Their stems are really thick and I wasn’t sure if that would kill them.

  7. Glad you don't have armadillos. I do – what a nuisance! They make a mess of my lawn but fortunately don't mess with my gardens. I also have racoons, possums, and tons of squirrels, birds and pollinators. The rabbits only much on my loriape and fortunately leave my blue daze alone! My property is a registered wildlife habitat so I don't mind. But I do wish the armadillos would move on. They make one of my dogs crazy when I take him out at night. He barks, they run, he chases and it's a circus after dark!

  8. Jenny, girl! ❤❤❤ Whatever you are doing is working. 💪🏼 You look fantasticly fit and I’m loving that adorable poofy sleeve top and those sassy jeans. 🫶🏼 Love from Arizona 🍋 PS the plants looks great too!

  9. Thank you for the shade garden suggestions! In coastal Alabama I struggle a bit with my shade garden. Any “front of the border” fall blooming suggestions for shade??

  10. We ultimately chose to go with fastigiate American hornbeam for our wildlife – but wow, Tokyo Tower fringe tree is such a great choice — Zone 6 New England

  11. Oooooohhhhh Jenny,
    You are shining today, I want to jump in my car and rush to Creekside to buy a load of new shrubs!
    Alas, it is MONDAY. Creekside is closed 😅

  12. Jenny, Help! I’m a zone 8b on the other side of the country in the pnw. I have an area that is shaded until gets the hot late afternoon sun. What would be a good perennial that is not going to fry!

  13. So beautiful! I wish I was closer! I haven’t seen any plants locally that you’d even put on your lot!

  14. Good evening. I've been viewing Creekside on Youtube tv for years as you weathered through zone 7B. I just arrived home from the hospital and skilled nursing facility after a month of recuperative total knee surgery and see that you are now 8a! Joy! I live in the Sandhills Zone 8a, and you'll never know how good it is to finally be home and watch Creekside again. . . such a pleasure.

  15. We got home and sat everything we bought and lived with a few days. I moved a few. Tim got everything planted today. Looks so good. Thanks for helping us pick deer proof scrubs for our new garden area.

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