Succulent Plants

First pic was in april, second pic today

First pic was in april, second pic today

by ainhoawind


  1. ainhoawind

    It was given to me one year ago, I water once a month, I put it by the window where it gets moderate sun, the leaves at the bottom are mussy to the touch. Does succulents just die over time? What can I do? Thank you everybody.

  2. wrrdgrrI

    Check out the very helpful info at the wiki, in particular “Soil and Potting”.

    Soil needs to be amended…. a lot. Pot needs to have adequate drainage.

    How much/frequently do you water?

    I strongly recommend the wiki. It really helped me improve with my succulents. GL

  3. QuartzDesert

    The soil looks very organic, so I would replace the soil with a new mix of 50% inorganic and 50% organic.

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