Lawn Care

1.5w Pre-Germination Experiment Results!

Aug 17th: Scott summer fertilizer thrown down and a deep watering regimen started to see how much of the lawn survived the peak of summer

Aug 23rd: "before photo" is taken. 3lb bag of OrOlam Canada Green Grass Mix pre-germinated on a 12h water replacement schedule, left in a garage. Lawn was dethached with a rake.

Aug 24th: manually aerated with a Corona Yard Breather

Aug 25th: a 50lb bag of Kellog Topping Soil is added and leveled with a rake. Hydretain is used as a carrier to spread the pre-germinated seeds. 6lb of untouched Twin City Seed Co. Blue Envy is spread by hand over my OrOlam experiment. A second 50 lb bag of topping soil is added over the seeds before more raking and stomping down by foot.

Aug 29th: baby grass is visible in one of the large bare patches!

Aug 31st: grass has really started sprouting throughout and the blades that appeared on the 29th are already over an inch tall!

Sept 4th: a week and a half after throwing down seed. Believe it or not but that zoomed in patch of grass is the same location as the last few slides. Outstanding.

I'm just renting this place and didn't want to spend the money on a good pre-emergent so I just pulled the visible weeds by hand before spreading seed. I kind of regret not using a big box weed killer with crabgrass prevention then just waiting the 2-3 weeks before attempting the over-seed, but it is what it is! I might just leave the clover in place and spot spray the other weeds that pop up this fall… or just blanket everything in October. Haven't decided

by GreatFoxWillCoverYou

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