
Help identificating

Um..😔😔😔It kind of looked like this. It was really dry and only had a few leaves on each stem. The stems were growing in a wavy way

by SimilarMagazine3106


  1. mightynightmare

    Omg I so hope you get the correct answer, this is freaking adorable

  2. SaijTheKiwi

    The leaves were spherical? What was their texture?

  3. thatoneguysghost

    Thought this was r/houseplantscirclejerk at first… Good luck figuring out what the plant was!

  4. TassandraArcticFox

    A breed of peperonia maybe? I had one for a while that had the prettiest disk shaped leaves that were sort of waxy and shiny and if i had to draw it it would have looked like that!

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