
Quoted 14k for a retaining wall

I understand it’s expensive but that seems very high. I have a few more quotes lined up but I’d like to know what you guys think. Located in south nj just outside of Philly.

by razberryboii


  1. bonemonkey12

    Apparently, I need to get into the retaining wall business.

  2. daphatty

    Sounds about right. It’s a fairly labor intensive process, even at the front of your home. Materials aren’t necessarily cheap either.

  3. O0000O0000O

    did you pull more than one quote? what was the distribution?

  4. _Elrond_Hubbard_

    Seems a bit high even for my HCOL area. I’d probably just leave it as-is if I were you.

  5. authorbrendancorbett

    If I didn’t get better quotes than that, I’d kill off the grass, put in site appropriate native plants, and call it a day. No way I would want to deal with those slopes, but $14k seems crazy!

  6. RavenM1A1

    Would they need to excavate near the tree in the top left? Seems like that would be close to the trees danger zone, you might kill it digging.

  7. BigGayGinger4

    seems high considering you can rent a mini excavator yourself for a few hundred bucks a day and do the wall assembly by hand.

    under 3 feet high this isn’t a very hard job for a couple dudes with shovels. but this appears to be pretty darn tall to do by hand.

    i’d also argue that this wall isn’t even necessary. i may not be a pro, but that property does not look like it has significant risk of erosion and collapse, lol. that’s a pretty shallow angle. do your neighbors have them? it looks like the hill extends to the next property

  8. KilgoreTroutsAnus

    May be a little high, depending on materials, but also doesn’t seem worth it at half the cost. Spend $1,000 on ground cover planting and call it a day.

  9. BamaTony64

    Is it a vertical wall or one that just follows the contour? Below the tree is mentioned. Vertical would be safer for the tree?

  10. darny161

    Why does this slope require a retaining wall. Looks totally fine from this picture. I’d pull out the grass in the highlighted areas and do some planting. The roots will help keep everything together, it will cost a fraction of the price, and it will be beautiful!

  11. What kind of wall? Concrete or block? Is the red line where you want the wall? Why isn’t it at the back of the sidewalk?

  12. sigmonater

    Concrete or block? If it’s concrete, that makes sense. If it’s block, that’s way too high.

  13. Midnights_Marauder

    This looks like another one of those $15k jobs 😂

  14. Low_Watch_1699

    Had to be a New Zealand company with those prices.

  15. Salty-Cricket7606

    We build retaining walls with engineered block for $40 per sq ft and concrete block for $50 per ss ft and if you want a stone veneer it’s an extra $25 per sq ft.

    From the pic view that looks to be around 60’x4’. So $9600 would be about right for my neck of the woods.

  16. HiggsFieldgoal

    That seems… a little steep ^(ba ^dum bum).

  17. SquirrelyBeaver

    That’s a “I don’t want to do this, but if they want me to I’m going to make some money” quote.

  18. sBucks24

    I do not understand these comments… This is easily a 10k job. 14 maybe the higher end, but it’s absolute hitting 5 figures.

    It’s what, 15′ of 3′ high retaining walln(obviously getting a little shorter closer to house. It’s a chunk of machine excavation along with building/backfilling the actual wall.

    It is an incredibly easy job though. Obviously super easy access. Very straight forward design/ask. Honestly your best bet is you wander around your neighborhood and see if anyone is already doing work in your area. See if they can tack on this little project while their machines are still near by. I’ve been able to build a couple simple patios for neighbours of clients on my weekends while working a larger main site through the week.

  19. Aquino200

    I’ll do it for $4k plus you pay all materials

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