San Pedro Cactus

What’s going on here? Cutting dried and not rooted yet but trying.

What’s going on here? Cutting dried and not rooted yet but trying.

by noobcactiguy


  1. They don’t need roots for tip growth to occur.

  2. DOMsCactus

    Did you get it in the mail? Looks like impact damage from not being packed well enough. Ive gotten cuts in the mail that looked 90% ok upon arrival but within a day or two serious bruising and damage shows up.

  3. DOMsCactus

    Could be slugs, snails or something else eating the tip. Diatomaceous earth is my go to for pests on tips. Dust some on the tip and some on top of the soil.

    Keep it dry too if it’s unrooted, that can lead to rot issues very fast

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