Plant Identification

Staghorn ferns species?

Hello! I came across these three staghorns, one very distinct from the others and the two with slight differences between them.
Could i know the species of them? I can tell that they are younger, so im worried identification is trickier in juveniles,,, but if you can help that would be awesome!

by bead_bird

1 Comment

  1. Justfumingdaily

    There are 3 species of Platycerium that are commonly available: the most easily obtainable of these is P. Bifurcatum(the others being P. Grande, and P. Alcicorne) Your plants however are almost certainly all P. Bifurcatum, as the plant takes on different appearances at various stages of its life as it matures. It starts without  branched fronds, then later grows branched ones which in turn are followed by larger fronds with more branches, and brown spore cases on frond tips, so it looks very different at different stages. 

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