
Bonsai soil advice

Bought this Water Jasmine a month ago and have been noticing a good amount of new growth!

Was mostly wondering about the thoughts of the soil and all the weeds/moss on top? I like the look of the vines, but does it effect the tree in anyway? Also, Would it be good to repot with a different medium? I bought akadama, pumice and some lava rock, along with some more quality soil. I have no idea how long it's been in this pot.

by Electrical-Clue759


  1. Professional-Pay-805

    Dude change that soil in spring… the leaves are turning yellow. All you can do now is pluck out all the weeds and as much moss as you can, normally moss doesn’t hurt the tree tho from the first picture it’s very clear that soil is compacted.

    Do you have a cold frame or a greenhouse? Might be wise to keep it there until you bring it inside for winter.

  2. I’d remove all the weeds and moss. Currently, you can’t check the quality of the soil or know how much water it’s retaining. A weed or two isn’t an issue, but there’s enough in that pot that it starts to compete with the tree. 100% repot that in the spring time with the new soil you have.

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