
Garden Tips for Increased Yields BEFORE The Season Ends!

Here are some science back ways to increase your garden yields! These are all tips and tricks you can utilize before the end of the year. The last tip is specially for anyone gardening in a cold climate. These tips and tricks were increasing your gardens yield can be used on a variety of different plants.  

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👩🏻‍🦰 A B O U T M E:
Ashley has had a passion for plants since she was a small child. In the long summers as a child, she would garden alongside her grandmother and it was then that she realized her love for greenery. With years of great studying, Ashley had begun her post-secondary education at the University of Saskatchewan.
At first, her second love, animals, was the career path she chose but while doing her undergrad she realized that her education would take her elsewhere. And with that, four years later she graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor’s degree in science and a major in Soil Science.
Some of Ashley’s interests are YouTube, in which she posts informative videos about plants and gardening. The focus of Ashley’s YouTube channel is to bring science to gardening in a way that is informative but also helpful to others learning to garden. She also talks about the importance of having your own garden and the joys of gardening indoors. Ashley continues to study plants in her free time and hopes to expand her YouTube channel as well as her reach to up-and-coming gardeners.
This description or comments section may contain links to affiliate websites. I receive a commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such a link. This includes the gardening in Canada website. You should assume all links both on the gardening in Canada YouTube, Blog, and all other social media are affiliates and I will receive compensation.


  1. Here in Saint Louis with the weather currently 101 degrees, I am watering much of my garden three times a day.

  2. Wow, great information. Do you have a video on pruning tomatoes, i was under the impression i should prune the suckers, i would love to get more information on that 😊

  3. Hi I’m new here. I found this video really helpful. Tomatoes not ripening so I’m thinking of trying the topping suggestion!
    Thanks for great info

  4. Going great in my part of Quebec, zone 4b…growing in pots, my peppers, jalapeño, sweet peppers, Thai peppers are doing great, leaves still very green…the tomatoes too..the Roma turning red now, and the dark cherry tomatoes, turning dark now…we late planting my eggplant..they are just starting now, but my neighbor has beautiful ones…my beans did not do great, replanted snow peas…and seeded some lettuce,..the potato leaves still look healthy,,will wait another month or more to see how my crop is…discovered this super anti- fungal , bacterial and bugs hate it….- turmeric…1 teaspoon per liter…,it saved my harvest and my neighbors too.,from slugs, bacterial fungus,,and those tiny flea bugs….I swear it works..and read that in India ,it is better than any old insecticide and herbicide.,.give it a try…very happy with my garden this year.,we had lots of heat, enough rain…and I had at least 5 hrs.of sun….and lots of bees due to all the flowers on the tomatillo Verde plant I got huge with lots of yellow flowers..1 or two in your garden will be enough…😁

  5. We had such a a weird summer. It started mid May ( last frost date usually considered around here to be June 1) very wet then very hot very humid. Then cooler end of July then wet then hot and humid now and we need rain!! Saying that my garden is good with no more pest/ fungal/mildew than usual. My tomatoes are nearly dead but have had big yields to date. Beans are insane.

  6. Do you know how roughly long it takes a newly formed tomato or pepper to grow to full size and ripen? Obviously size of the fruit is a factor, but just wondering if there’s a ballpark figure out there.

  7. Here in 7a, topped my Celebrity's, Rutgers and one of my two Cherry's as an experiment last weekend. Also pruned off any flower and small fruit trusses. For the Cause!

  8. I watch your videos because they make too much darn sense. I’m in Southeast Michigan and I’m wondering if you’ve ever done a video on microclimates? Where I live I think we have a completely different microclimate than a half a mile down the road. Things grow differently here than across the street at my neighbors. You know where I’m going with this? Anyway, thanks for a great content and great information.

  9. How does your garden look fo green and fresh in Aug? Mine is fading and full of diseases and bug damage making it look icky. My issues are not water.

  10. Personal opinion: "The Geek Crew" is a generic name. Wish you had a more unique name to get excited about. Maybe " Garden Geeks"? Or something along those lines. Just a thought

  11. We have one heatwave after the other so we have to water 💦 a lot. With enough water 💦 💦💦 the plants are growing nicely.

  12. Thanks for the reminder, Ashley. I need to go out right now and water my four girls. They're in containers. 🥸

  13. How do you feel about this if you live in zone 9?! Temps don’t drop below 60 for most of the year. 100 degrees high 😮for weeks straight…

    Very hot piercing sun. The plants die if I don’t water everyday in the ground.

  14. Super weird Summer here in Gatineau (Ottawa) zone 5. Extremely wet early Summer, then sweltering heat for weeks 35-41 + Celsius with humidex (not able to garden in) small cool down then back to sweltering heat. At least now the nights are cooler now sometimes very very cold 13 Celsius. Today looks great cool sunny day! 👍

  15. I used to get really upset when some things didn't grow well in my garden. Been learning to take it more in stride, work with our weather and my garden space, and be ok with some amount of experimental failure.

  16. Hi.
    I'm new.

    AudHD, learning permaculture in Z5B, native rewinding and invasive control.

    I like that you add sub titles.
    It helps the "in one ear, out the other" issue.

  17. I need some advice soon…! I have found what appears to be small squash bugs on one of my cucumber plants, but I have also found a lot of 2 spot ladybugs in the same plant so I'm reluctant to spray anything that might harm the ladybugs, which have obviously found a food source on that plant.

    What do I do to get rid of those squash bugs and keep the ladybugs…I have no aphids or other pests of that ilk this year which makes me think the ladybugs are keeping the aphids at bay…


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