Garden Plans

Labour plot more tax raids and what is the outdoor smoking ban? | The Daily T Podcast

Despite insisting for months pre-election that Labour wouldn’t raise our taxes, chancellor Rachel Reeves now appears to be poised to do just that as Keir Starmer warns of a “painful” autumn budget. So who will get hit the hardest? Will taxes ever come down again? And how did our finances get into such a sorry state? Kamal and Camilla discuss all that and more.

Plus – Labour’s suggestion that they may ban smoking in outdoor spaces has provoked outrage. We look at whether there would be an health benefit and what it would mean for pubs.

And the biggest question of all – why on earth are Heinz bringing out tinned carbonara?

#politics #uk #labour

Read and listen to more here:

00:00 Intro
02:45 What is Rachel Reeves planning?
18:49 Smoking ban
26:56 Tinned carbonara


  1. Let's face it, it is easy to sit there and take potshots at the government.
    It doesn't make one iota of difference who is in power, they are sitting ducks and will always engender the wrath of the public.

  2. Medical issues from ultra processed foods and sugar, and especially alcohol use long term, are also a huge drain on the NHS. Wait till they clamp down on that. They will be closing pubs.

  3. I enjoyed listening to this discussion. The exchange of ideas between Kamal and Camilla was refreshingly on topic and not the usual one sided assault that one is subjected to on most of the YouTube videos.

  4. I am not allowed to keep my money. I have a number of pension plans that have been robbed on an annual basis to the point that they are worthless. The set-up was wrong from the start. I am not allowed to say which pension scheme I would like my contributions to be deposited in. Rank incompetence, again!

  5. she worked for the bank of england and we pay 40 billion in interest to the bank of england that is stupity in the extreme that fills the black hole twice and stop the idiot Millband and we have extra money for the pensioners

  6. Starmer the Fabian knows exactly what he's's all a great big subterfuge to hide what he's really up to.The. boats are part of that plan,as is the two tier justice system etc..If or when he achieves his aims,like so many of his ilk,he will bugger off into the sunset clutching his and our silver.

  7. Starmer Reeves Rayner and Cooper are all liars and have the morals of a slippery snake.Disgusting Horrible Labour Party they are more corrupt than the SNP .

  8. New Labour are the enemy of the working man not friend. They want to stop drinking, smoking, freedom of speech, wealth growing even sence of Britishness. Very North Korean tactics. Starmer and his co-comrades of frilly knickers Rayner and Cooper are Corbyn parasites in action…

  9. Great, the government can use the fines on smoking in public to keep the PAYE and NI tax low (16% as of now ,unlike the 20% which was during the majority of the Tory rule ).

    Plus the health benefit, who wants to walk across factory chimneys on the street ?

  10. What a load of lies from Rachel reeves I knew this would happen I did not vote for Labour we have a dictatorship coming in now MP s can have their fuel allowance on the money they have which we find both salary and second house, fuel allowance and expenses and the amount of money spent on putting up illegal immigrants in four or five star houses and houses and pay them allowance this is the worst government we have ever had and now looks like any illegal,immigrant will be able to work if that’s not a big green light for more crossings I don’t know what is , new housing are for non British people according to Angela Raynor not only are they targeting pensioners, and people who work who have savings but the whole of the people who voted for them! I am a pensioner and worked and saved and so angry I am being treated like this and also very scared of nit being able to afford to stay in my home as I am now a widow and lived here and made it so beautiful and hoped I would be here until I died at this rate I won’t be able to live here after they do a means test

  11. What is the point of workers now paying in if at the end they lose what they have put in which is what will happen perhaps we should demand that the MPs take a cut I. Their salary and have the expenses removed and pay for things out of their money as they can afford it

  12. The House of Lords wants ending that would fill the black hole easily with what they get paid daily often just under what low paid workers get a week

  13. Reeves is a fish out of water! Labour wants money…….get stuck into the 'black economy' its rife!

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