Plant Clinic

My friend died and left me his coffee plant, any help would mean the world to me <3

He's not looking too hot and I want to become a genius in coffee plants to give him a long life! I've tried to compare his leaves to photos online but everything keeps conflicting with each other, so I figured the plant doctors of reddit would be my best shot

I got him like this, my friend's partner entirely repotted him in cactus soil today, he's in cactus soil with 2 thin layers of his original soil on the bottom and in the middle. I saw his original soil was soggy and almost like mud. I know he was kept inside with indirect light and apparently he's been looking like this for a few weeks. He was kept in a glass terrarium thing with an open top but no holes at the bottom. His current pot has drainage holes at the bottom and his leaves were misted by his partner but I read something about hard water and those white dusty orbs being mineral deposits???

Any information, care tips, general knowledge is welcome, I'm new to plants that require some human assistance. My friend died of lung cancer and this is all I have left, I CAN'T let this bitch die on me and I don't want him getting sick too!

by 24_grains_of_sand


  1. AutoModerator

    It looks like you may be asking about a terrarium. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/terrariums for more specialized care advice.

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  2. Top-Fox9979

    I don’t think cactus soil is the best solution. Mine like rich, well draining soil, good humidity and moist but not soggy soil. They like bright indirect light too. The leaves will droop if they don’t have enough water. I would probably put yours in a slightly larger pot. Mine seem to like wiggling their toes.

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