
Update #1 Justice for Pudding the tortoise. Up close look of damage

Here’s a better look if anyone else was curious

by countrysports


  1. hibiscussed

    This is like a southwestern Chernobyl. Make them pay.

  2. yrosepetal

    I hope your neighbor has the day he deserves

  3. filthymandog2

    You need to find out who and what did that and pump their asses full with 10 gallons of that shit. 

  4. Same_Recipe2729

    You sure someone didn’t launch a space ship in your back yard?

  5. CelesteHolloway

    Yuck… I hope your idiot neighbors have deep pockets, cause this looks EXPENSIVE.

  6. LadyLivorMortis

    Well… I’m invested. Keep us updated! This is fucked, I hope they get what they deserve. Justice for Pudding! Also wanted to recommend digging her up btw (sorry). Fish & Game will probably want a necropsy and they will probably want to send it to an outside specialist. I used to work in veterinary pathology and F&G was a client.

  7. Blueyduey

    Wait, you know which neighbor did it!?

  8. NatKingSwole19

    Man, this looks like your neighbor took a whole jug of glyphosate and just hucked it over the wall. Sorry this happened.

  9. JizzCollector5000

    Those cacti look like they’re melting wtf

  10. Top_Tumbleweed

    Sorry about pudding, when you got home could you smell anything? Honestly looks like they sprayed straight up bleach

  11. palmasana

    I wonder what the fuck your neighbor did. This is so awful

  12. MichaelMidnight

    whoa… that’s horrible! here’s hoping karma comes back hard :/ sorry about your tortoise

  13. ImmaculateStrumpet

    Have you spoken with your other neighbors who also share a wall with him? It’s possible they also were affected and maybe one of them will have a camera in the backyard that captured something. If they only had slight issues they might not think it was an intentional act. The more neighbors against him the stronger your legal case will be

  14. So, one thing I’ve learned from Reddit is that tree law is a big deal. People are liable for sometimes up to 3x the cost of replacing the full size mature tree, not a sapling, which can be many tens of thousands of dollars. Although it’s not a tree, you should definitely have that cactus assessed for replacement cost.

  15. radioloudly

    Horrible. So sorry for your loss of your tortoise and your cacti. Whatever they used, it looks like it was nasty and undiluted. Cannot imagine why they would have done such a thing.

  16. greygrey_goose

    Have you had previous altercations with your neighbors? Curious what would drive them to do something like this. Intentional or not, what a completely irresponsible thing to do.

  17. Bendybenji

    wtf did they spray, agent orange?! Rip pudding.

  18. blackwater-diver

    maybe muratic acid to do that to a cactus

  19. RealOneRedditor

    My puppy’s name is Puddin’. I’m heavily invested in the outcome of this story.

    RIP Pudding!

  20. Silver_Confection_57

    I’m severely invested in this. Hope you get swift justice

  21. CatButtHoleYo

    How can you prove they did it? While it seems obvious from the location and splatter angle, it doesn’t necessarily prove explicitly they did it. Praying for Justice for Pudding and Garden!!

  22. TelevisionNew1552

    This is potentially insane behavior. I’m normally in favor of trying to talk to neighbors but this might be an exception. I think you’re doing the right thing by contacting the authorities and documenting everything. Also second the advice to get some cameras up ASAP.

  23. somedumbfurbrain

    What sort of chemical is able to melt plants like that? It almost looks like wax!

  24. Trex-died-4-our-sins

    RIP Puddin and all the plants.rhats so disheartening 😭 I don’t understand people who spray heavy chemicals such as this for lawn care or even pressure washing? With what, acid?
    My condolences OP and glad u r getting support.

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