Gardening UK


Hi all. Bit of a random question.
I constantly go past unkempt areas that are wild. I want to garden them but dunno if I'd get into trouble? Who should I ask for permission? I don't know if these are public or private land? It's usually little "field" areas by a shop like (picture) this is obvs an old pic but I went past it in a taxi and it's so overgrown.
Would I get into trouble for just going over and taming it? 😅

by fkoffimsleepn


  1. JesusWW

    I think it’s a case of “It’s best to ask for forgiveness than permission” I don’t think anyone would care, just be prepared when and if someone has an issue with it to walk away and loose whatever money you’ve invested into it.

    You’d also be amazed that all of a sudden, now it’s looking nice, that the owners will start to show an interest in the plot.

  2. Trespass is an offence which could result in you being sued, or in certain circumstances being tried with the potential to result in a criminal record, so yes, you could get in trouble.

    If you can find who owns the land, you can ask them for permission. If a plot is owned by your local council, they might be quite receptive to the idea of a community garden or similar.

  3. londonflare

    You can pay a couple of quid on land registry to find out who the owner is

  4. RattyHandwriting

    I would definitely find out who owns it and get permission if you can. A land registry search is £3 and takes a few minutes.

    Failing that if you’re really bored and can get to Devon, I always need help with weeding…

  5. Hungry_Horace

    Just a small note of caution, if this is London that could be a bomb site from WW2 – London still carries the scars of the Luftwaffe.

    In that case, I’d advise against digging around willy-nilly! It may never have been properly cleared and you don’t want to find out whether there’s unexploded ordnance in there.

  6. Breaking-Dad-

    Guerrilla Gardening!


    It should be encouraged really but there could be safety issues (maybe there is a sinkhole in there!) and I’d be a bit annoyed when one day they came and dug it all up. I would try and find the owner though, they might be happy to let you do it.

  7. Bitter-Car883

    Your problem is “adverse possession” , basically squatters rights, where you might after 10 years be able to claim possession of the land. So you are very very likely to be stopped , your work destroyed and possibly be sued or arrested unless you have specific permission for your use of the land.

  8. fkoffimsleepn

    Thank you all! I’ll try find the land owner!

  9. NaturalPosition4603

    Just start guerilla gardening

  10. fkoffimsleepn

    Ok so this bit of land specifically is held by royal mail, it’s freehold, restrictive covenants (no) and easement (no). Dunno what that means tbf 😂 don’t really wanna pay for anything even if it is only £3

  11. TheErgonomicShuffler

    Looks a nice haven for wildlife if you want to do something pick out the litter and leave it alone

  12. SoggyWotsits

    I’d would imagine it’s being sat on with future development in mind. Worth checking with land registry to see who owns in, also if there are any planning applications. Someone will own it so could legally stop you, plus undo any work you put in.

  13. Randa08

    It’s it’s owned by the council you can get grants to garden it. Just had a.poece of land near us taken up by somebody who got 8k to make it nice.

  14. PoppyStaff

    This is so Reddit. Half of the responses are about guerrilla gardening and the other half have you in jail with a criminal record.

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