
New to owning a monstera, help ?


So i got this monstera when she was tiny and only had like, 2 leaves, in a shop where she was a bit sad. It made me sad too, i bought it and repotted it promptly when i got home. A few months later here she is, growing and making tons of new leaves !

She’s also making TONS of new roots and only two of them got long enough to get to the soil, i’m pretty new to owning plants, this is my first monstera, her growth is scaring me and i don’t know what to do lol, if she keeps growing this way, which she will do if i don’t help her, she’s going to collapse 🙁

Any advices ? I know i probably need to get her some kind of support and maybe a tutor so her new roots can grab onto something ?

by Mushroomismm


  1. bluel4vender

    Yes, definitely support needed. If you want her to thrive try out mosspoles diy style with some kind of wire and spaghnum moss and keep that moss moist at all times. The plant should get nutrients and water over the air then too which helps with overall leaf size and energy.
    I am trying to get my big adansonii from coco pole to moss pole soon too and have heard tons of positive recommendations. Don’t use plastic wire though as it will be unstable and hard to extend. The placement of the pole should be at the back of your plant where the roots are coming out of and also the direction it leans in. They should grow into the pole.
    Good luck with her!

  2. Admirable_Werewolf_5

    That’s a cutie!
    It’s very normal for them to grow like this, these plants are climbers. A lot of people use wooden planks, terrarium drift wood, bamboo poles or stakes, or moss poles as options for them to climb up! Otherwise, yes, they do fall 😅
    I don’t personally love moss poles because I don’t like the upkeep and they’re not necessary to get bigger/healthier plants 🙂

    Also depending on your soil, it might benefit from a nice chunky soil mix. I can’t really see from the photos but they do struggle in heavier soils without big items like orchid bark/perlite/sphagnum moss/Coco chunks, etc.

    IF you like videos, you can look up tons of people on YouTube who might make you feel better. Kill This Plant usually talks about deliciosa Monsteras, but the Adansonii is often similar. 🙂
    I also like Everything Plants, he talks a lot about Pothos in the videos I saw, which are also a vining plant similarly to the Adansonii. Otherwise, plantsbymelissa or Sheffield Made Plants. I don’t know if this helps, but for me they gave a lot of ideas I could try. Mine is still a baby but I have a few other Monsteras and i really love them! They’ve been quite hardy for me.

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