San Pedro Cactus

What to do what to do.

So I got this dragon whose head is too big for its body and its twin is starting to take over. Obviously the roots are well established because the pup it is throwing is an absolute unit. And while slowing down a bit, the tip of the main stalk is getting bigger too.

What would y’all do? Cut the head off and root/graft it? Cut the pup off and root it or would it make it etiolate? My only worry about letting it ride as is would be the unfairly robbing nutrients from both when I can get pieces of it established in its own pot.

Feel free to screenshot and draw lines on where you’d cut if it was yours. I also have some very healthy grafting stock rooted and ready to go, just been waiting for the smart move.

by username19944991


  1. username19944991

    PS: I’m also not opposed to selling some grafts to make back the $ I originally spent on it, but not a necessity at this time. Just looking for suggestions. And possible suggestions on what the professionals would price the at maybe?

  2. Emarrassed-Bobcat221

    Cut the head at the thinnest point or just get a prop I’d say
    Beautiful x

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