Carnivorous Plants

Maybe not the best place to set up your new home with nursery

It was hot and dry out yesterday, and I caught a long line of these guys in a line going across my mini bog set up, up the outside of one of my sarracenia, and then down inside where they were hanging out. I don't know how long they planned to be there, and if some were going somewhere else (there were WAY too many ants for just a couple pitchers). Most of the ants were carrying eggs/larvae.

I noticed all of this while I was running rain barrel water into the bog pots, so to the ants it looked like there was a great flood, but they were ok passing over on the "big" log. I wonder if that also cooled things down for them overall, and maybe they found somewhere else to park it for the evening.

It looked like a bunch of the ants took a wrong turn at the drosera (sticky stuff!), and I do wonder how many might go too far down into the sarracenia and never come back out – but hey, plants gotta eat! 😜

It truly is a #savagegarden !

by Jumpy-Anywhere6395

1 Comment

  1. sillyandfunguy

    Haha I love how you’ve chronicled this from the ant’s perspective. Really nice setup!

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