Vegetable Gardening

I hate the F’n squirrels.

Ive only gotten to pick and eat 1 big tomato off my plants this year. Was going to pick this one this morning. Damn squirrels got it 1st.

by cubfan101


  1. daddysxenogirl

    We are battling also, I work right next to the window where I have the plants growing on the deck and been mid- work call “hold on gotta run some squirrels off!” They LOVE our little female melon buds. Everyone else in my house is like “well are you leaving food out for just them?” but I don’t think that would work, they would just eat everything and then my plants

  2. PeskyPolak

    I have the same problem since we have some large pine trees behind our house that squirrels nest in. I’ve used cheap bird netting from the dollar store that I chop up into pieces and wrap around my tomatoes. It keeps those furry bastards away. Highly recommend!

  3. FarmNGardenGal

    I’ve had this issue crop up in the past. Whenever it happens I keep an eye on my garden during the day and let my Jack Russell mixes out when I see squirrels in my garden. After several instances of having to run for their lives, the squirrels learn to stay away.

  4. CactusDonut

    Triazicide works wonders. Kills bugs, and keeps critters away.

  5. ElderRaven81

    I have been having squirrel war 3 myself also.

  6. condensermike

    I hear ya, but you can still eat that.

  7. ProfessorJAM

    We have a big oak tree in the garden that is dropping nuts like crazy, and the squirrels are going after the acorns instead of the tomatoes. Just dumb luck.

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