Plant Propagation

Are any of the ones on the right salvageable?

For some reason the soil just wouldn’t dry out and I got to it too late. I’m attempting to propagate some of these leaves, what * have was just the most healthy looking. Most of the very ends of the ones on the right are a bit squishy and I have no idea if this would badly affect its chances of regrowing. If anything I’m wondering if the tiny bud is savable. It also is holding a lot of moisture. Any tips will be greatly appreciated. This plant meant a lot to me and I want to do what I can to save it.

by jmoyer29

1 Comment

  1. jmoyer29

    I have absolutely no idea how to edit a post from mobile, but I also wanted to add that these are fresh so I plan to leave them on my windowsill until they callous. There are trees that block the majority of direct sunlight but it’s still bright.

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