No Lawns

How to get rid of this grass?

Does this look like Bermuda grass? I hired a landscaping company to spray it all down with chemicals so I can finally get rid of it and this is what it looks like 2 weeks later. Their next step was to till it all but I asked them to spray again. I've read online that any little piece that breaks off during tilling that doesn't then get raked up can regrow again. Is that true for this grass here? Landscaper didn't say anything like that though so I'm just not sure.

by InVogueAgain


  1. ArcusAngelicum

    Pretty sure that’s bamboo? Fargesia maybe? Either way, removing any plant unless it’s wedged between concrete should be done by hand and not with chemicals.

  2. jdcollins

    At this point I’d probably just have them till it. You might get a few things here and there that grow back, but you can just rip them out by hand. What are you planting there instead? Whatever you plant should crowd out the small amount that might survive the spraying and tilling process. 

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