Indoor Garden

Can you please help me identify what these odd little white pearls are?

Hi team! I've had this indoor plant for quite a number of months but I've been away for quite a few weeks and came back to find these odd little balls in the dirt of my plant, and these blackish spots on the wall adjacent to the wall and on the ceiling above – can anyone provide some advice on what's going on? Thank you 🙂

by iamazucchini


  1. elephantkush

    i could be wrong but the white stuff in your soil just looks like perlite to me. it floats so if watered heavily it can all just come up to the surface.

    it’s hard to tell from the picture what those wall spots are. could it possibly be splash back from watering the plant from too far away?

  2. bakedincanada

    The soils looks normal to me, I agree with the other commenter that it just looks like perlite that worked its way to the surface.

    The black spots on the wall are likely fly poop. They should wash off fairly easily.

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