
How to Repair a Persimmon Tree?

Hi there!

My Nana passed away in March of this year and left behind the persimmon tree she planted when I was a little girl.

Unfortunately, she not did not leave instructions on how to care for the tree and my mother and I aren’t sure what to do to help it.

This tree means a lot to me and it recently had a large branch break off because of the weight of the persimmons.

The tree as a whole is drooping due to the unripened fruit.

Is there a way we can save the larger broken tree branch and attach it back to the tree?

Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you!

by chasingshores

1 Comment

  1. Successful_Edge1854

    I don’t know about saving the large broken off branch but you definitely need to put in froked (at the top) posts that support the branches. Hammer them into the soil below the branches and put the branches into the forks at the top. Otherwise, you can also pluck all the persimmons but I’d go with number 1. The branches are too weak to handle all the weight of the fruits.

    Also you need to do something about that large branch quickly, Idk if its possible to save it but either save it (if possible) or saw it off. If it stays this way, it will create a wound through which bacteria can enter and decay the wodd from the inside. The tree will still survive but have much less stability.

    I’d try putting the large branch up with the post nethod and if it doesn’t work and the leaves turn brown on it, saw it off directly at the wound where it broke.

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