
She lives! How do I help her keep it up?

I thought I had killed my first orchid, but was too ashamed to just throw her away. Lol and behold, she's got a new leaf coming in! I don't know how to help her keep growing though. I know to cut off the dead roots, but how much of the stuff above the leaf (where the old leaves were) should I cut off? I looked online, but I'm not seeing the answer and I don't want to make it worse!

by nutbrownrose


  1. moodycrab03

    The brown hollow roots are dead. But I wouldn’t change a thing at the moment. If she is re-establishing herself, then conditions are ideal. Repotting her, cutting off roots now might send her into shock/stress her out. I wouldn’t change a thing, but that’s just me and I’m a novice.

    Good luck!

  2. Anon-567890

    It’s got crown rot. Even though it has one viable root does not really mean much. Best you could hope for is that it’s able to grow a basal keiki, which would take years to mature enough to flower. And that’s a long shot

    Edit: OOOhhhhh, I looked closer, and is that a basal keiki I spy? Okay, be real careful because they are easy to kill. Take care not to get water on it. Congratulations!

  3. Far-Button-7011

    main plants is dead, but you got a keiki, lucky you!

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