
Question on formula for letpot max

I have a question that I'm hoping the experts in this group can help with. I'm very new to hydroponics and I'm using these all-in-one systems so I can get familiar with the concepts before I try more adventurous system. Habit solving problems like this can help me build up the expertise needed to pull those off.

Setting up the scenario… I have the laptop Max 21 pod Smart hydroponic garden. I prefer to use automatic mode, which uses a concentrate of solution that is then slowly added to the water as needed by the system. Instructions for mixing that concentrate with the AB solution are provided in the images. I have recently used up all of the AB formula that came with it (solution composition included in the photos). A friend gifted me the general hydroponics nutrients solutions, specifically, the Floramicro, Floragro and FloraBloom solutions. Given that I have so much of that solution, I'd love to be able to use it with the letpot syste instead of buying more AB solution.

What would be the formula I would use for basic herbs to make a nutrient solution concentrate from the general hydroponics nutrients I have? I'm a strong believer in the teach-a-person-to-fish methods of problem solving so if you have the time and are willing to offer it, I'd love to know the method used to arrive at the formula. Any pointers to good resources I also appreciated if you have them handy.

Thanks in advance for your expertise and assistance!

by RepresentativeBid323

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