
Update #3 Justice for Pudding

We are making progress towards taking down whoever did this to our yard and beloved Pudding. Yesterday I met with a game and fish officer, who was going to help us when it comes to the crimes committed against Pudding after we find out what chemical was used. A police report was filed yesterday as well. The department of agriculture is sending out an investigator today to test the soil and samples of the plants. Still waiting on the EPA.

Thank you all for the overwhelming support, I’m trying to sort through everyone’s advice and knowledge, but seriously we wouldn’t have made it this far without everyone. I was reached out to by an artist who made a graphic of Pudding and I have been dmed a ton about a desire for shirts. So here’s a link to a quick shop someone helped me make.

There are two shirts, I would love to add more shirts if anyone sends me any art they made that got lost out in the plethora of comments and dms. We are going to send 25% of proceeds to Game and Fish’s Tortoise adoption center here in AZ for Pudding. And the rest will be saved for legal fees, as recommended by the police officer.

by countrysports


  1. WaffleyWafflez

    Man, I’m really curious about what was used because the damage looks insane, I’ve never seen cacti be melted before like that

    Justice for pudding!!!!

  2. Cryptix921

    Just ordered a shirt! Justice for Pudding! I’m curious if this will gain enough traction for the local media to get involved.

  3. quinn_mcdermott

    Sorry if you’ve already answered this: were you planning to have Pudding tested for any chemicals? Like an autopsy?

  4. skarkle_coney

    Seriously reach out to 3tv. The local public deserves to hear this story. For Pudding!!!

  5. ice-lollies

    Just wanted to say All the Best and Good luck with finding everything out and getting Justice For Pudding.

    It all sounds very harrowing.

  6. Tio_Machete

    My boy pudding is in vallhala,🐢 justice for pudding 🐢

  7. ColorfulMidnight01

    This is such an awful situation. I’m so sorry you have to go through all this 😞

    Justice for Pudding! 🐢

  8. dgiber2

    Have you or anyone talked to the ppl that live on the other side of the fence? Curious if they know whats coming.

  9. babysharkdoodood

    This is bananas. So many updates! Justice for pudding!

  10. lumpthefoff

    Have the neighbours responded at all?

  11. FracturedAnt1

    Never been so invested in a tortoise in my life

  12. DrCrundle

    Turtle men and women unite. Ninja Hurtle these scrubs. J4p

  13. ArgusTransus

    I’m on board. Justice for pudding.

  14. Lopsided_Pickle1795

    Do you have security camera for your backyard? If not, you should consider getting it. Your neighbor may be mentally unstable.

  15. Marciamallowfluff

    I would also cross post this on an animal protection or other animal abuse Reddit if there is one.

  16. mango_444

    Justice for Pudding!!!

    Thank you for the updates.

  17. Serious_Change_5137

    Just ordered. Justice for Pudding ✊🏽

  18. ScrimmoBingus

    Anyone else can’t make sense of the shirt sizes? The width of a small is 32 inches while an XL is 18?

    I really hope whoever hurt Pudding gets sued up the ass for damages.

  19. SuperbDrink6977

    RIP Pudding. This pisses me off so much! I hope you catch the low life who did this.

  20. Brief_Focus6691

    I wouldn’t put too much stock in your state environmental department or federal EPA. Feds def won’t get involved and state usually gets involved if there’s some kind of emergency. In this case the oil (if that’s your angle) doesn’t pose a continued threat and likely they will tell you it’s a civil matter at this point. I can give you more details/help in private messaging if you want.

  21. VividlyDissociating

    puddin look like he thuggin in that drawing

  22. ambamshazam

    I hope the neighbor that did it is shitting their pants seeing “authorities” taking samples in your yard

  23. I’m a little out of the loop. And everytime I open Reddit I see something about pudding.

    Can i have some context please?

  24. chilichile77

    I’m writing from Chile, at the end of América. All our support for Pudding!!

  25. Wonderful_Horror7315

    I want to buy a Pudding shirt, but I’m confused with the size guide. I don’t want to bug OP, can anyone help me make sense of the guide? TIA 💚🐢

  26. TheFlexibleTemptress

    Ppl say this a lot but I mean it, I have never bought anything so fast.

  27. MadameStrangeways


  28. Chantrak

    Somebody said it on the last post but it should be reiterated, as horrible as it is, pudding is evidence. The body should be preserved for inspection to ensure no leniency on the perpetrators.

  29. Khakikadet

    I’ve been thinking about yall for the past few days. Yall probably know the situation better than any of us, but I almost wonder if something fell out of the sky, and like exploded in your yard there. If something was getting sprayed over the wall, I’m surprised the plants against the wall are melting as well. Like one of those stories where frozen poop falls from a plane or fuel getting jettisoned or something. I had dumped HEET on the lawn during a science project as a kid, and it burned the lawn in a similar fashion.

  30. greenjm7

    Can someone provide me a link to the original post?

  31. Brickyard-175

    Contact 3TV and your local gov representatives. All of them. TV and lawmakers have a lot of pull.

    Good luck. I hope they catch the asshole that did this.

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